Jul 20, 2009

HDFC Bank FD Rates India

HDFC Bank FD Rates (India)

In this week of July of the year 2009, Fixed Deposits Rates presents HDFC Bank FD Rates (India fixed deposit). These are the latest, best and highest HDFC bank FD rates on the Indian continent.

Take a look at the HDFC bank FD rates below in the list. Note that the HDFC bank FD rates may change without notice. You should re-confirm the domestic HDFC bank fixed deposit rates before making any investment decision. You should also determine that these (FD) fixed deposits are suitable based on your own personal investment profile.

HDFC Bank Fixed Deposit (FD) Rates
(domestic rates applicable for below Rs.15 Lacs)

Tenure | Fixed Deposit (FD) Rates | Senior Citizen FD Rates

7 - 14 days FD = 2.25% , 2.75%
15 - 29 days FD = 2.25% , 2.75%
30 - 45 days FD = 3.00% , 3.50%
46 - 60 days FD = 3.50% , 4.00%
61 - 90 days FD = 3.75% , 4.25%
91 Days to less than 6 months 1 day FD = 4.50% , 5.00%
6 months 1 day - 6 months 15 days FD = 5.50% , 6.00%
6 months 16 days FD = 6.25% , 6.75%
6 months 17 days - 9 months 15 days FD = 5.50% , 6.00%
9 months 16 days FD = 6.25% , 6.75%
9 months 17 days - 1 year FD = 5.75% , 6.25%
1 year 1 day - 1 year 15 days FD = 6.00% , 6.50%
1 year 16 days FD = 7.00% , 7.50%
1 year 17 days - 2 years FD = 6.00% , 6.50%
2 years 1 day - 2 years 15 days FD = 6.00% , 6.50%
2 years 16 days FD = 7.25% , 7.75%
2 years 17 days - 3 years FD = 6.00% , 6.50%
3 years 1 day - 5 years FD = 6.00% , 6.50%
5 years 1 day - 8 years FD = 6.00% , 6.50%
8 Year 1 Day - 10 Years FD = 6.00% , 6.50%

(Note: All domestic HDFC bank FD rates (India fixed deposit) are subject to change without prior notice.)

Thanks for reading Fixed Deposits Rates, for the FD rates of banks in India and elsewhere throughout the world.