Jul 17, 2009

Indian Bank FD Rates

Indian Bank FD Rates

Fixed Deposits Rates blgospot.com presents Indian Bank fixed deposit rates (India) this day in July 2009.

These Indian Bank FD rates (India) are applicable rates of interest that take effect from 01.07.2009. Investors should still re-confirm with Indian fixed deposit rates before engaging in any financial investments.

Indian Bank FD Rates For Domestic Term Deposits (w.e.f. 01.07.2009)

Note that each row of data has 5 parts as described like this:
1) Tenure of Fixed Deposit =
2) For less than Rs.15 lakhs rate of interest % p.a
3) For less than Rs.15 lakhs Annualised yield #
4) For Rs.15 lakhs to less than Rs.1 Crore Rate of interest % p.a
5) For Rs.15 lakhs to less than Rs.1 Crore Annualised yield #

So for the first line, it is read as:
1) Tenure of Fixed Deposit = 7 days to 14 days
2) For less than Rs.15 lakhs rate of interest % p.a --> 2.50
3) For less than Rs.15 lakhs Annualised yield # --> 2.50
4) For Rs.15 lakhs to less than Rs.1 Crore Rate of interest % p.a --> 2.50
5) For Rs.15 lakhs to less than Rs.1 Crore Annualised yield # --> 2.50

Indian Bank FD Rates:
7 days to 14 days = 2.50, 2.50, 2.50, 2.50
15 days to 29 days = 2.50, 2.50, 2.50, 2.50
30 days to 45 days = 3.00, 3.00, 3.00, 3.00
46 days to 90 days = 3.50, 3.50, 3.50, 3.50
91 days to 120 days = 3.50, 3.50, 3.50, 3.50
121 days to 180days =4.00, 4.00, 4.00, 4.00
181 days to less than 9 months = 5.00, 5.00, 5.00, 5.00
9 months to less than 1 year = 6.00, 6.09, 6.00, 6.09,
1 year to less than 2 years = 7.25, 7.45, 7.25, 7.45
2 years to less than 3 years =7.25, 7.73, 7.25, 7.73
3 year and above =7.50, 8.32, 7.50, 8.32

Hence, the best and highest annualised yield of Indian Bank fixed deposit rates since 1 July 2009 is 8.32% for tenures of 3 year and more. The best rate of interest for this 3 year and more tenure is 7.50% per annum.

Thanks for reading Fixed Deposits Rates.