Aug 24, 2009

Fixed Deposit Rates Australia

Raboplus Fixed Deposit Rates Australia

Fixed Deposits Rates blogspot presents Raboplus fixed deposit rates Australia this August 2009.

These fixed deposit rates Australia in Raboplus Savings Account is from Raboplus bank which is a division of Rabobank Australia Ltd.

Best Raboplus Fixed Deposit Rates Australia:

FD Time period | FD Interest Rate
1 month = 3.50% pa
3 months = 3.50% pa
6 months = 3.75% pa
1 year = 4.25% pa
2 years = 5.30% pa
3 years = 6.20% pa
4 years = 6.50% pa
5 years = 7.00% pa

These latest, current, highest and best fixed deposit rates Australia are correct as of 22 August 2009.

Investors and readers are best advised to re-confirm these best interest rates of fixed deposit rates Australia before using the information for any financial investment.

Fixed deposit rates and savings interest rates quoted here are subject to change without any notice.

Before investing money or cash in deposit accounts and financial products, verify fixed deposit rates and all interest rates with bank or financial institution.

Thanks for the interest in Fixed Deposits Rates.

Fixed Deposits Rates